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The day-to-day operations of the Greenville-Pickens Area Transportation Study is staffed out of the Greenville County Planning Department, Transportation Planning Division.


Keith Brockington, AICP

Keith has worked for GPATS since 2005 and is the Transportation Planning Manager. He is responsible for development of projects for roads and highways, bicycles and pedestrians, mass transit, and is responsible for the updates and maintenance of the 25-year Long Range Transportation Plan and 5-year Transportation Improvement Program. He also serves on various committees and teams around the region dealing with transportation issues, including serving as the GPATS liaison to the Greenville Transit Authority Board, the Greenville County Legislative Delegation Transportation Committee, and Ten at the Top.


Asangwua Ikein

Asangwua started working for GPATS in December 2014. Before that, Asangwua worked as a Planner for the Greenville County Planning Department. As Transit Planner/Grants Manager for GPATS, he oversees the sub-allocation of FTA 5310 to the Greenville Urbanized Area’s (UZA) transit providers. He serves as a liaison between GTA, CAT and other municipal governing bodies. He also serves on various committees and teams dealing with transit and air quality issues.


Anna Stewart

Anna began working for GPATS in January of 2022 as Transportation Planner. As a Transportation Planner, Anna is responsible for updating the GPATS website, social media, and managing public outreach and participation. She also assists with updating and maintaining the 25-year Long-Range Transportation Plan and other special transportation projects. Her primary focus is on bicycle and pedestrian elements within the GPATS study area, providing progress reports on projects, and overseeing the Transportation Alternatives Program.


Cleo Hill

Cleo began working for GPATS in November 2022 as Administrative Assistant. She assists Planning Staff with administrative functions, as well as development, maintenance, and updating of GPATS administrative documents, including the Unified Planning Work Program and Transportation Improvement Program. Cleo also coordinates administrative functions with reporting agencies, in particular the SCDOT, FHWA, and FTA. Other responsibilities are meeting preparation and coordination, public meeting minute transcription, agenda packet development, website documentation, and project account management.


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